Monday, February 2, 2015

A Rough Guide to our Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm


Bo Xing and I describe the general knowledge of the foraging behavior of our FOA below.

1. Introduction

If you have been seeing small flies in your kitchen, they’re probably fruit flies. In fact, the fruit flies can be viewed as the second smallest member among the model animals in the narrow sense which has only hundreds of neurons and has no brain. During the summer, they are attracted to ripened or fermenting food through their sensing and perception characteristics, especially in osphresis and vision. Inspired by the behavior of real fruit flies, recently Pan (2012) proposed a new algorithm called fruit flies optimization algorithm (FFOA).


2. Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm

The Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm is an evolution algorithm for maximizing global optimization based on the food searching behavior of the fruit fly swarm. Fruit flies have better senses and perceptions than other species, particularly its olfactory and visual senses. The individual fruit fly samples the differing scents that are present in its surroundings, and then uses its sensitive vision to fly in the general direction of the target. It transmits information to the rest of the swarm and direct the ‘flocking location' of the swarm closer to the location of the food. Through ‘iterative evolution,” the fly swarm comes closer and closer to the food source, until the target is reached (See Figure 1). The fly's direction and distance of the original Pan's paper was based on two dimensions. However, in our article we extend his fly's search area more flexible and quantify the smell concentration of the food/target.


Fig. 1 Illustration of the group iterative food search of fruit flies

 The procedure of my 3D-FOA algorithm is shown as follows:

Step1: Generate initial fruit fly swarm location.

Init X_axis; Init Y_axis ; Init Z_axis

% p1=initial location parameter (default=20)
% X_axis= X_axis(p1)
% Y_axis= Y_axis(p1)
% Z_axis= Z_axis(p1)
Step 2: Calculate search direction, distance and smell concentration value of the fruit fly.
% p2= step parameter (default=2)
% X(i)= X(p1,p2);
% Y(i)= Y(p1,p2);
% Z(i)= Z(p1,p2);
% where i denotes the individual fly.
X(i)=X_axis+ p2*(rand()-0.5);
Y(i)=Y_axis+ p2 (rand()-0.5);
Z(i)=Z_axis+ p2 (rand()-0.5); 

The distance (D) of the food is defined from the origin and depends on parameters p1 and p2, due to the location of the food with respect to the fly swarm is unknown.
% p3=random interference parameter (2)
% D1=D1(p1,p2);
% D2=D2(p1,p2);
The food’s smell concentration values (olfactory S or x) are calculated, which is mainly defined as the reciprocal of distance (D), and perturbed by a small fraction (gp) of it:

% gp1=gp1(p3);
% gp2=gp1(p3);

Therefore, the variables (S1,S2) depend on three parameters (p1.p2, p3):
% S1(i)= S1(gp1, D1) = x1(i) (p1,p2,p3);
% S2(i)= S2(gp2, D2) = x2(i) (p1,p2,p3);
Substitute the smell concentration value S(i) into a Smell judgment function (a.k.a. objective function f(S)= Smell(i)), i.e. a function of D or S, (g(D) or f(S)), where D=(D(1),D(2)). Here we let S=( S1, S2) = (x1, x2) = x. 

% for example: two variables  
% Smell(i)= g(D(i,1),D(i,2))=f(S1(i),S2(i)) =f(x1(i),x2(i)). 
% as an example: the quadratic function of two variables

Smell(i)= =f(x1(i),x2(i))=(x1(i)+3)^2+(x2(i)+3)^2;
Step 3: Find the highest smell judgment value among the fruit flies.

[bestSmell bestindex]=min(Smell) 

Keep the highest smelling concentration value and the best 3-D location (X_axis, Y_axis , Z_axis), and at this moment, all other fruit flies use their visions to fly towards that location. In other words, the fruit fly smelling the highest concentration and would like to share its best location with all other flies.

Step 4: Update smell judgment value. If the maximal value or maximum number of iterations (maxgen) is reached, the processes are stopped. Otherwise, return to Step 5.

Step 5: Update the best location (X_axis, Y_axis, Z_axis) and return to Step 2.

The complete flowchart of FOA is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 Flowchart of the fruit fly optimization algorithm

3. Conclusions 

Nowadays, a number of algorithmic approaches based on the animals’ foraging behavior were developed and applied to variety of combinatorial optimization problems. Among others, FFOA is a new member. Two characteristics of fruit flies (osphresis and vision) are the building blocks of FFOA. The main advantages of FFOA include simple computational process, ease understanding, and easy rapid spreading of FFOA: 

Interested readers please refer to our blog as a starting point for a further exploration and exploitation of FFOA.


1. Wei-Yuan Lin (2012), “3D-Novel Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications in Economics”, working paper, Economics Department, Soochow University, Taiwan. 

2. Bo Xing and Wen-Jing Gao (2013),” Innovative Computational Intelligence: A Rough Guide to 134 Clever Algorithms”, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 62, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03404-1_11, Springer, International Publishing Switzerland. 

3. Nien Benjamin (2011) Application of data mining and fruit fly optimization algorithm to construct financial crisis early warning model – A case study of listed companies in Taiwan, Master Thesis, Department of Economics, Soochow University, Taiwan (in chinese), Adviser: Wei-Yuan Lin.
4. Pan WT (2012) A new fruit fly optimization algorithm: Taking the financial distress model as an example Knowl Based Syst 26:69–74.

Jing Si Aphorism:

To give is better than to receive. 


   Soochow University EMA